2 min readMay 22, 2021


I'm not suggesting people consider changing their sexuality by chaning the category of people they are attracted to.

I am suggesting that when people exclude a type of person from that gender catgory that they are attracted to, they might have a bias. That's fine, but biased people do miss out. I don't think gay people have biases aganst the opposite sex because they don't want to date them, it's just their orentation.

For example, let's say a straight woman says, "I like to date men, but not men named John." I won't sleep with a man named John. She of course has a right to her preference, but let's think about it, why does she not like all men named John? Could it be she has a bias against the name John? Maybe she has a brother named John and it's just to weird for her. Perhaps thinks it's an ugly name, which is also fine. I don't think she should have to sleep with someone named John if she doesn't want to. That's fine, But in truth, there probably does exist a man somewhere named John who would make a really awesome partner (there are lots of Johns out there). And me pointing that out isn't the same as saying she should be attracted to a different gender category and change her sexuality.

Here's another example, perhaps a straight woman only dates blond men. She only finds blonde men attractive. That's fine. But I'm sure there are still wonderful, attractive, loving men with other hair colors out there, and frankly yeah, I think she's missing out by closing herself off to them. It's her choice, and that's fine. Is it a sexual orientation to only be attracted to blonde men? What if she says only blonde men are 'real men' and anyone else is not a real man and therefore not attractive to her as she is heterosexual. Then we might consider, perhaps she has a bias against burnette/redheaded men, but is still straight.

When someone says, "I only date women, but not trans women" they have a right to their preference, and that's fine. But it's not the same as a sexual orientation as trans women are a subset of women, so someone attracted women as a whole, would presumably also be attracted to trans women. People have their reasons and preferences against trans people, no one is trying to force anyone to sleep with trans people. But maybe it's okay to quesiton why they are excluding this one quality from their dating label? Who knows, it's personal. But me pointing out they are missing out by rejecting a category of people withing their orientation is not the same as trying to change someone's oreintation.




Written by S.R.

Cheese Enthusiast. Fat and Feminist. I can’t help but write. Trying to learn as much as I can.

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