I’m Afraid of Writing

2 min readJan 24, 2022


I just need to publish something.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

I love writing, I do it constantly. I dream of publishing hundreds of articles on medium, or anywhere else.

Actually I want to write and publish anywhere, but maybe medium is a good place to start, so let’s start there.

I have currently about 15 drafts of things I started writing about, but haven’t published yet. Instead I read other people’s articles, and leave comments that are literally longer than what I want to publish myself. Somehow when others get the ball rolling, I want to continue the conversation. They have broken through the wall of putting their work “out there,” to the world where others can read and potentially even connect to them. I dream of being them, instead of just commenting my own damn essays.

My head is full of dreams of just sitting here typing, and throwing all my ideas out in the world. Seeing which ones stick, which ones capture YOUR attention. Which ideas make you think, shake you to your core, to connect with you through an art of words, grammar, and psychology. It’s a dream I hold with so much power, that very power stops me from doing the actual thing I want. Story of my life, or at least many of my passions.

But I have moved past this in the past. I’ve had other passions that I learned to stop thinking about and simply do. To drop the voice in my head correcting and perfecting, and just take a couple baby steps and do. The intensity of passion I feel for something I want so bad, that suffocates and restricts all movement. I just need to ignore and bravely do. Little by little. Otherwise, I don’t know what I’m doing in my life anymore. But writing, is my future.

So here I am. Writing an article, as simple as I can do. In two minutes I will hit publish. Then I will probably find all sorts of errors and mistakes to correct. I will come back and edit and maybe even rewrite to the point where I drive myself crazy (Feel free to find them yourself and point them out to me in the comments!) I can never find all my errors. Writing will never be perfect, but it’s still worth doing. Total stream of consciousness, totally short and sweet and to the point, this is how I want to write and it’s fucking hard for me.

Thanks for reading this far and reading this snap shot on my journey.





Written by S.R.

Cheese Enthusiast. Fat and Feminist. I can’t help but write. Trying to learn as much as I can.

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