I’m a feminist and I don’t hate men. I know a lot of feminists and none of them hate men. I know there probably exists feminist women who hate men, but don’t assume because someone is a feminist they hate men. Feminism is about equal rights for all genders, not hating men. Assuming that because someone is a feminist they hate men, is a big logical leap.
I’m responding specifically to a comment you made about why women are showing less empathy for this guy. It was stated point blank that he hates women. Not that he is —— leaving people to assume he hates women from some faulty logic. But he says directly he hates women.
That’s why. If someone says they hate you, it’s hard to have empathy for them.
If someone says they are a ——, (such as a feminist), and then it’s assumed that they must hate men, that’s an error in logic. That’s an assumption. That’s projecting the attributes of some onto an entire group.
I can see men having little empathy for someone who hates them, and yes I’m sure there do exists feminist who hate men. There’s that French book called I hate men. But that doesn’t mean all feminists are man haters and thus all men should lack empathy for all of them-or women in general as this guy is saying.
This guy plain out says he hates women period. So women are probably going to not have much empathy for him in general. Not not much empathy for this guy who hates women. That doesn’t mean women will hate all men. Just this one, and others who say they hate women.