Sep 7, 2023

I’m a feminist and I don’t hate men. I don’t want a man either-I’m a lesbian. But I don’t hate men. Never have, never will. Yet I believe women should have equal rights.
I hear this narrative so much that feminists hate men, I literally asked my therapist if I hate men. My therapist who knows me very well, happens to be a man, and spent years running mens groups that help men with problems specific to their role and society. He told me I do not hate men, but I do hate mysigony, and that’s okay.
Feminist does not equal man hater. I’m sure there are some feminist that hate men, there was that French book after all called I hate men. But don’t assume feminism equals man hating.


Written by S.R.

Cheese Enthusiast. Fat and Feminist. I can’t help but write. Trying to learn as much as I can.

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