I’m a cis woman currently in a lesbian relationship with a trans woman. I do know other lesbians who prefer to date cis women and that’s fine. Honestly no one cares. Date who you want.
I have encountered a number of women here on medium who seem to think that trans women are oppressing lesbians by insisting they date them. Interestingly the women who claim this tend to cis heterosexual women who seem to want to protect the lesbian community. I honestly don’t see trans women doing this. What I do see is trans women staying away from those who don’t want to date them. Trans women have been murdered for dating cis people who prefer cis so for them it tends to be a safety issue. It’s even legal in places to kill a trans woman if you are on a date or even attracted to her and didn’t know she was trans (gay panic defense).
What really bothers me, and this goes for trans men as well, as when they claim dating a trans person is a threat to their sexuality. I commented on a medium post once that there are many great potential partners out there who happen to be trans and they are worth dating, and a gay man pretty much accused of trying to turn gay people straight. Like the idea of a gay person dating a trans person if the same gender is somehow trying to change them straight.
While I think it’s great people have preferences in dating, saying that dating a trans person changes your sexuality doesn’t feel right to me. For example, a lesbian sayings she won’t date a trans woman because she is a lesbian, and therefore isn’t attracted to trans women, doesn’t sit well with me. She should just say she doesn’t want to date trans people, and that’s fine. Claiming that dating a trans person is it’s own orientation is othering. Trans women are women, I am a woman dating a trans woman, I only date women and so does she, we are lesbians. Someone claiming that lesbians don’t state trans women, and they can’t date a trans woman because they are a lesbian is implying trans women aren’t women. Just say you prefer cis, instead of misgendering and entire group of people.
Similarly, if someone only preferred to date white men, that’s fine. But they then wouldn’t says “I only date white men because Im a straight woman. I don’t date black men because that would make me gay” would imply people who aren’t white are not men, which is wrong.
Preferences are fine, just don’t use them to misgender others.