IDK. I sort of respectfully disagree. Yes, these movies are problematic. However this essay feels almost exactly like an essay I would see from the far right just with the concepts reversed. If someone accepts that free speech is a right, then free speech is a right-not just the free speech one personally agrees with. This essay feels a little like censorship in school is okay, so long as I decide what’s appropriate.
I agree these movies are problematic, but I have found a lot of literature that is embraced by schools to be problematic. For example to kill a mockingbird has all these elements. A white person to use as an entry point, white saviorism, and worse or reduces black people as one dimensional uncle toms. Yet somehow it’s beloved.
I do agree these films are problematic and I am glad you are looking out for your kid. I’m glad you have the opportunity to sign the permission slip and have your child not watch them. But maybe other parents and kids should have the right to see these films in class if they want.