I would like to point out that while I heavily believe in science, that science has been and will be in the future, abused for hate. Not always, modern medicine has saved lives, and engineering many, many wonderful things. However, it has misused and will be in the future.
Science was used as justification heavily by the nazi's on why they should murder jewish people. Their argument again was we can't change biology just to make people feel better.
Science was used heavily to justify racism. My father recalled being taught a lesson on why black people were "inferior" when he was a child in the 1950's. My father loves science, for him this was an example of how science can be biased.
Don't get me wrong, I belieive in science heavily. But science can be biased and the discipline its self says it can have errors. But there are times when we need other factors like humanitarianism and ethics to gain perspective of science.
You mention it's wrong to compare what is happening to trans people genocide, or what happened to jewish people in WW2. However, please know that trans people were sent to death camps before jewish people in WW2. Hitler targeted them in his first wave of people to wipe off the earth, before Jewish persons. Trans people historically are literal victims of genocide. They were sent to the gas chambers in Nazi Europe. So no, it really isn't an exaggeration to say they are victims of genocide.