I was still a Christian in my early 20's, my boyfriend at the time was not.
I remember telling a friend of mine that my boyfriend was of a different faith, and she was horrified.
I asked her what was wrong with dating someone of a different faith and she gave the following explanation.
"But how can you let him go to hell like that? That must take an enormous level of hate, to let him go to hell and not help him at all? How do you profess to love this man, but clearly you must hate him? It takes a huge amount of hate to let someone suffer so much that you would allow that!"
I remember thinking his religion was his choice, not mine. I remember knowing it was healthy to respect his choice was his, and it was different than mine. But then when she said all of this I remember not knowing what to say to that. I didn't have an argument. I mostly brushed it off.
This going to hell or not business is very much emotional black mail, and it's abusive. People should be allowed to make their own choices. Christianity sells this BS that if you love someone you will try to control them. Yikes.