I was once almost denied my iodine 131 treatment for my thyroid because they lab made a mistake and didn't do a pregnancy test (they did the usual hormonal test). This was after I had taken 6 weeks off from work and rearranged my life to go into isolation (required for that treatment) and the iodine would have expired by the end of the day. It would have counted as a now show, so my insurance wouldn't have paid for it and I would have been stuck with a debt of more than 10K for a treatment I wouldn't have received for no fault of my own.
I was not pregnant, I was actively having my period that moment. They wouldn't accept that or even a urine pregnancy test, which my doctor's office offered to do. I wish I could have just signed a paper saying I'm not pregnant, and if I was I would terminate the pregnancy, but they wouldn't accept that. I feel this is a form of discrimination just because I'm female and capable of pregnancy.
Finally the lab rushed a blood pregnancy test over and by a miracle it came back in time. I was almost stuck with permeant debt, denied care all because I was a female of child bearing age. I get that we want to protect unborn babies, but for crying out loud!
I remember trying to donate blood once, and wondering if I was eligible because I had been sleeping with a trans woman who had other partners who were male. Then, as I read the descriptions I realized what we did in the bedroom didn't count as sex according to the the Red Cross. So, I guess, lesbians don't really have sex, we're all abstinent, which no believes and just assumes we may be pregnant.
I recently had a baby, and immediately afterwards I was offered birth control. My girlfriend, a trans woman, and I kept trying to explain we can't get pregnant on accident, our child was a product of donated sperm. They were very confused, and because she was trans, that further complicated things. We had to explain she is post-op and has no testies, or other things, so no, she can't get me pregnant. I mean how would a post-app trans woman produce sperm? It took a few times.