I think you might have a gross misunderstanding of what stay at home parents do. It's not as simple as that. Watching kids, while simultaneously cooking and cleaning is very exhausting and awful. There is not time for basic bodily functions such as eating, using the toilet, or sleeping. Well there is, but it's not guaranteed and it's inconsistent.
I could say, having to do three jobs at once 24/7 with no breaks is exhausting. That sucks. personally I would love to just go to an office where I sit on my but and stare at a screen all day, only to have 2 ten minute breaks and an entire 30 minutes to each lunch everyday! I would even get to have bathroom breaks whenever I want! And there would be time in the morning where I can shower and get dressed before work, because I'm not actually working!
Personally, after 4 months of maternity leave I was so excited to have the leisure of going to work where I could go to the bathroom without having a baby yell at me, have a 40 minute break to eat, and two 10 minute breaks to just be calm. I did not get that when I was at home taking care of a baby.
People with jobs get to each and take breaks.