1 min readApr 24, 2023


I think another point that could be made here, is that sperm count goes down with too frequent ejaculations. So impregnating one woman on Monday, and another on Tuesday, isn’t likely.

I recently had a child via sperm donation. If anyone is likely to produce a lot of off spring in a short period of time, I imagine a sperm donor would have a good chance since their purpose is reproduction.
Sperm donors are required to abstain from ejaculation for 48-72 hours prior to donation. Sure I suppose a man could in pregnant 2-3 women a week at best, certainly not 100 in 100 days.

Also, for that to work, women would need to be timed to ovulating in perfect succession. Women who around each other tend to ovulate at similar times. So most likely women are fertile around the same window, and you only have 2-3 shots in that window.

I saw a documentary on Netflix called Our Father about a desperate fertility doctor who used himself as a sperm donor and has 94 offspring, but that took over a 30 year period.


I hear about such cases every now and then. People often wonder why, but the truth is there is a high demand for sperm and not enough donors, doctors get desperate and use themselves.

If a man really wants to satisfy his sex ego, I suggest he become a sperm donor so he can spread his seed around as per his desire.




Written by S.R.

Cheese Enthusiast. Fat and Feminist. I can’t help but write. Trying to learn as much as I can.

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