I really liked this essay, and I'm glad you brought up some points. Our society does use pregnancy to entrap women. I personally very much would love to have a baby, and would have sooner, but as a single woman the cards are stacked against me. If we made a society where women were not penalized for having babies it would be a lot better. Further more, pregnancy can be used as a weapon. I once read about a woman who was rapped by her church pastor, and then when she became pregnant he tried to get her to marry him (she was as 20 at the time, he was 42) or else be shamed from society. He also said he would take her through a lengthy court battle for custody over the baby, even though he had no right to it. She left the church and got an abortion. Frankly I think the pastor is the one who should be held at fault for the abortion, not her. He would have argued it was conscentual in court and she didn't want to have to face him and go through that. I've heard so many similar stories of men taking off the condom during sex to entrap women.
At the same time, I hate the idea of young life ending. Pro life is arguing life for the baby, pro choice the mom, but pro life though can be used to trap the mother.
There is another argument here you may consider. I have a family member who got pregnant and was very excited about becoming a mother. When she came in for her ultra sound at 7 months, it was discovered her baby never developed a head. Other parts weren't developed, but it did have a heart beat. Natural delivery was risky for her, and she had to end the pregnancy. We called it miscarriage, because it kind of was. But technically she did have a late term abortion. You never know what the situation will be for a person.