Oct 15, 2021

I really likd this article, but I find this line very diffusive. I am left-handed, with detached earlobes. So are many people. I have no sexual attraction to children, same with countless other lefthanded, detached earlobbed, and high palate people. Please don't paint an association between us. There no evidence that being attracted to children coorolates to such things, anymore than than being a blond woman makes someone stupid. Such Ideas can lead to discrimination around being lefthanded or having certain facial features. I didn't chose to be left-handed, and it can be devestating to make a child switch handedness. Please don't associate these involuntary phsycial characterstics of people with phedophillia. I have studied left-handeness a lot, and there is not cooraltion there to pheodphillia.


Written by S.R.

Cheese Enthusiast. Fat and Feminist. I can’t help but write. Trying to learn as much as I can.

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