I read the whole glitter beard article, and I see the premises and ideas, but I just don’t know about all of it, because that’s not what I see happening, and I know to many exceptions to all of this.
I have long shared female only sex spaces with trans women, and I’ve never seen anyone resembling a man in there, or anyone flaunting their penises around, yet I’ve encountered many trans women there. Certainly never seen anyone with a beard or a glitter beard.
I know a pre-opp trans woman who used the mens bathroom for a while, until a man tried to rape her while she was in there. Case in point, it’s not safe for women to share bathrooms with men. This is true even if one happens to be a trans.
She did get surgery, but it just took a couple years for her to be ready. No one should be pressured into such an invasive surgery under threat of personal safety. Like the only way they can use the bathroom and not be rapped is if they have surgery.
My current girlfriend is post-opp, which one would think would be in the further end of the argument here. However, despite 8 years of electrolysis, she still have facial hair. Not a beard, but it’s clear by her face she was assigned make at birth. Due to her weekly hair removal, she still has to grow out her facial hair every week so the electrolysis technician can hold onto it and buzz it off. Also, sadly, she went bald at age 19. She wears a wig daily, but it’s clear by her wig, her facial hair, and her height she is trans. She probably passes to some people, but many see she’s trans. She dresses femme. Where would she land on this spectrum? Her facial hair and baldness clearly show she isn’t passing, but none of these are her fault. Of course she has been on HRT for 8 years now.
Where I live it’s fine for people just to self-identity, and I have never seen a cis man or someone looking as such use this loophole to invade women’s spaces.
I understand people are worried about it, I am too as I don’t want men in my female only spaces, but in reality I don’t think it’s actually happening, or if so only rarely.
Trans women should be entitled to the same safety other women have. Using male only spaces is unsafe for them, just as it’s unsafe for any woman to use a man’s changing space. I care about women and women’s rights, trans women are a type of women, ergo I care about their rights. I think the breakdown here is that some don’t consider trans women actual women.