Oct 29, 2021

I read Dune as a teenager. I found the original novel to annoyingly male-centered. It annoyed me to no end. I did like all the sciene and story telling, but it once again was pretty just all about men. The characters were rather shallow. The bad guys were coded as queer. I felt like the set up was good, it had a lot of potential to be great, but somehow all the awesome women set up were really there to serve men. ICK. There was a werid undercurrent of the best thing a talented, educated woman could be was a wife to a man and his support. I have no problem with women marrying, and supporting children, but it was sort of like that's what they were there for. That was their highest aspiration. ICK.


Written by S.R.

Cheese Enthusiast. Fat and Feminist. I can’t help but write. Trying to learn as much as I can.

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