I ran into one of these men here on medium. I posted that there are many attractive trans people out in the world who make great partners. He accused me of trying to convert gay people to straight, by saying trans people are attractive. He also accused me a homophobia, and that by saying trans people are worthy of dating I'm trying to change other's sexual orientation. He is only attracted to cis gender men, because he is a gay man, and anything else is trying to convert him straight.
I told him not dating trans people is a preference, and he is entitled to it, that's fine, but saying trans people are worthy partners is not trying turn him straight. He then explained it was in fact a sexual orientation, not a preference, because his sexual orientation centered around, get this, the fertility of cis men. He was only attracted to men who had high fertile sperm production and corresponding bodily fluids. That was perhaps the dumbest argument I ever heard, but whatever, that's what Anthony said is his orientation so who am I to judge.
I can't imagine the insecurity a person must have where they interpret that trans people can be desirable and valuable partners as a threat to their sexual orientation. No, I don't think people should be forced to date trans people, or anyone for that matter. Of course not. But that doesn't mean many of us still find quality partners who happen to be trans.