I often why we are listening to JK Rowling regarding trans people anyway.
The woman is a successful author of fantasy children's literature. If I wanted to learn how to write an interesting story with colorful characters and complex plot twists, then she's my girl.
However when it comes to trans people, she knows nothing. My deceased grandmother understands more about trans people than JKR. I know she is a children's author of a beloved book. That's great. She knows nothing nothing about trans people.
Now, I am not saying let's fully cancel her. I like Harry Potter stuff. But when it comes to opinion on trans people, let's silence her. Why are we even listening to her? Likewise if she had strong opinions about how to repair garage doors, I also would not pay attention to her. Yes, she is rich, she has lots of privilege. But the more we listen to her, the more powerful she becomes.
JKR knows about writing successful children's literature. That's it.
I imagine she's also a survivor of sexual assault, as many women are, and she is afraid of trans people.
Likewise Henry Ford was a great success is business and made lots of money with his Model T cars, however he was an antisemitic nazi sympathizer. I can ride in a Ford without being a nazi. I mostly just ignored his hate speech. I think everyone realized he was a paranoid bigot.
My grandfather was a sexist old man who did not understand I, a woman, got a degree in mathematics from a prestigious university, but he certainly knew a lot about how to paint cars and fly airplanes. If I wanted to know about auto-body repair, he would be a great person! But he was also a chauvinist so I just never spoke to him about my love of mathematics.
Let's all just collectively agree to ignore JKR, last I checked she never got a degree in gender studies. Writing stories about an imaginary, magical little boy does not make smart, or understand trans people.