3 min readSep 7, 2024


I needed to read this.

I am fascinated by stupidity, and often have this delusion that if I learn their language and learn enough communication skills I can reach them and connect with them. I struggle to understand this.

I don't hate stupid people, I actually have a good friend who is stupid, and that's okay. I'm sort of flabbergasted by it. Here is some stupid things I've seen people do. Please help me understand this bs.

1) In high school a classmate of mine did a presentation on obesity. To "prove" obesity can be inherited, she played a clip from the comedy the nutty professor as in the comedy She felt that was a valid source to prove her point in an academic project. I agreed with her conclusion, but felt she needed more concrete evidence. She thought I was stupid as the movie was very funny thus a reliable source.

2) Good friend of mine said the following.

Friend: "My boy friend's ex wife is so annoying"

Me: "Oh yeah? What does she do?"

Friend: "She keeps posting photos of my boy friend and her doing things. Cleaning house, going to the movies, kissing, etc. She even posted a photo talking about how it was their 20 year anniversary, as if they were even still together?"

Me:" Um are they together?"

Friend: "No! He broke up with her years ago. He just lives with her because he doesn't have a lot of other options on where to live. So he keeps living with her. But she acts like they're in a relationship, always calling him her sweet husband. She needs to get it through her head he's my man not hers. I mean just because she lives with him, and she makes him go on dates with her, and they tell each other they love each other, have sex twice a week and stuff doesn't mean they are together. I know they can't officially get divorced due to financial reasons, but that's just a show he puts on because he says she's crazy and can't handle knowing about me. "

I didn't want to tell this woman she's being played, I didn't think she would believe me.

3) People who can't imagine or handle double standards and don't seem to understand them.

"Man I'm so tired of having to wait in line, this sucks! I'm just gonna go cut ahead30 people"

See's someone else cut ahead, says the following

"What a jerk that guy is!"


Person 1: "I don't like cleaning. My roommates should do all the cleaning. Cleaning suck and I shouldn't have to do it."

Rommate: I mean I don't like to clean either. No one does. we just have to all chip in and get it done.

Person 2: Yeah. but if you do all the cleaning, than I don't have too do any. It's better this way, because I don't have to clean, you do.

Rommate: It's only better for you. What about me?

Person 1: Exactly! That's my whole point. It's better for me.

I remember in marriage counseling my ex husband sat there and explained how he wanted to stay married to me so he could have sex with me, get free rides to work, and I would take care of him and he enjoyed that. When the therapist asked him what I would get out of this relationship he replied with "Nothing, I don't want to have to do anything, just have things done for me." I explained this was rather selfish and not considerate of me. He looked at me like I was an idiot and said:

"Uh yeah, that's the point. I want to have you do things for me, and not do anything back. That's how people work. grow up and learn about the world." He then commented on how dumb I was to state the obvious. He also mentioned life wasn't fair and I needed to get used to that.

He used to be smart...He didn't start off that way.

4) Just the other day I read an article on medium by a guy, who claimed that we shouldn't use gender affirming pronouns because "Being a woman isn't a feeling, it's more than that."

In his article, he then articulated that women are who they are because of the pain they experience. He said the pain women feel is what defines them as women. I pointed out that he just defined womanhood via a feeling, mainly pain. How odd to say being a woman isn't definable by a feeling, then define it by literally a feeling. He didn't seem to see the problem with it.




Written by S.R.

Cheese Enthusiast. Fat and Feminist. I can’t help but write. Trying to learn as much as I can.

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