I mean you have a point, that there is another life at stake here. Let me tell you, that pro-choice people such as myself do think about about the potential life of the embryo. When exactly life begins is a debate.
The thing is, pregnancy is complicated. It’s not just a matter of, “oh I don’t want to be pregnant anymore, what an innocence, let’s just kills this potential child.” There are dozens of exceptions, of unexpected events, that are truthfully not fair to the woman, and once we start policing them, it gets way to personal.
For example, I know a woman who actually did have an abortion because she was raped, she didn’t chose to have sex, but it gets worse than that. She was rapped by her boyfriend, whom she had been dating for about 6 months while he suddenly got abusive and controlling. Her plan was to save herself for marriage. When he got abusive she broke up with him. He raped her intentionally to get her pregnant, because in their church, once a woman becomes pregnant she must marry the father, or experience rejection from her family or church. Pregnancy was used as a tool to control her, namely to force her into marriage with a man who was an abuser. He intentially raped her to trap her into marriage with pregnancy. She had none of it, she got an early abortion and cut off her abuser. This is not uncommon, believe it or not this happens to many women in countries where abortion is not allowed.
Another case is a cousin of mine who had a late stage abortion. She was over the roof when she got pregnant and wanted to be a mom. But at 7 months, she learned her child had not developed a brain and it’s head was deformed. It lacked a mouth, eyes, and a face. Only some of the limbs had developed. Doctors didn’t think it would live outside the womb. Part of the child was decaying inside of her, and doctors said she was at risk of developing sepsis. Her late term abortion was a terrible experience, but it was more humane than her risking sepsis and the trauma of giving birth to a still born.
I have another friend who consented to sex at the time, but her partner went stealth, he secretly removed the condom, and got her pregnant. She was 16 at the time, and wouldn’t have been able to keep going to school due to pregnancy fatigue, morning sickness, and other issues from pregnancy. She would have lost her scholarship at her university (she went to college at 16). She wouldn’t have been able to get a college degree and move onto her career. It’s not her fault her boyfriend chose to go stealth, purely for his brief pleasure, why should her entire life be ruined because of what he did to her? Going stealth is not against the law in most places, California being the acception. Her life was about to ruined because of his decision. She got an abortion, finished her degree, went to med school. She is now a surgeon who has saved hundreds of peoples lives, and she has two wonderful children she is able to support because of her career. Her children, and the hundreds of people she saved, would not be around today if it weren’t for her abortion.
The thing is, there are these circumstances, these exceptions, and women should not have to lose their lives because of something they didn’t chose. Pregnancy shouldn’t be used as a weapon to take someone’s life away, but it is. I think many pro-choicers would agree, if there were more things to help women, like if my friend could have kept her scholarship despite being sick, if my other friend wouldn’t have been forced to marry her abuser, or if my cousin didn’t lose her baby so late, abortion wouldn’t be needed. We should focus on changing the world so women don’t need abortions rather than outlawing them.
Women will just find unsafe illegal abortions where both child and mother die.