I mean if you don’t want to be trans that’s fine. As a cis person, I have no intention of transitioning myself. I recognize you are talking about having gender dysphoria but don’t feel transition is the right thing for you. That’s your personal choice, and you don’t have to justify it to anyone, period.
However there are plenty of trans people, who have transitioned, that is their life choice. Let them have that. They are making decisions for themselves, not you. It’s okay to say “I don’t want something, I don’t even believe in it” while the person next to you embraces it. Live and let live. Trans people aren’t hurting anyone by being themselves and trying to “help” them sounds more like trying to get them to embrace another ideology, yours in particular. I have no interest in trying to “help” flat earth people. They can go in their flat earth lives and do their thing. Whatever. Your choice to not transition, others have chosen transition, and the only one to decide if these choices are right or wrong is the person themselves. You overcoming your dysphoria does not invalidate the choices of others who have chosen to transition.