I mean, I see your point here. There is nothing wrong with inquiry and asking questions per say.
What's happening ia change in thinking, where sex is different than gender. In the past, sex meant gender, and now many are saying they are different. This is infact a big change.
The question that I ended up asking, "is this change good?"
Is it good that we start distinguishing between gender and sex? Is it good that we accept this giant personal shift in ideology?
I personally think so, and that's because I've actually seen people benefit from it.
I know a number of people, good wonderful people who contribute to their communities, who would be dead right now if they weren't able to transition.
I know children, who would not be alive if they weren't allowed to live the gender they want.
And I have known people who were trans and stuck in such a narrow culture who couldn't transition, and they are dead now. For me, seeing it affect people that I care about, that I know personally, that has benefited them, I say it's worth it.
Others fear the social impact that accepting trans people has on society, and I can see how change is new and different.
However, what if it was their child who might be lost to gender dysphoria? What if it was their best friend, their spouse, their parents? I found that not accepting people of different genders is harmful to good people that I care about. So I personally do everything I can to make the world more hospitable to them, because I have lost loved ones who can't fit into the gender binary.
200 hundred years ago, black people weren't considered full human beings. They were considered 3/5 human. It was a major cultural shift for society to accept them as human beings. There were many good people with reasonable concerns who struggeled to wrap their brains around this change as black people had been considered less than human. Hundreds of people raised similar arguments and questioned the humanity of black people. That was a change that was hard for many, but accepting black people as a valid human identity is beneficial to human kind.
Accepting Trans identities as valid, is allowing and accepting a person as they are, instead of calling their identity invalid.
For many years, people beleived gay, lesbian, and bisexual identities were invalid, and there were many hate crimes against such people. People were murdered.
Today, every year trans people are murdered for being trans. Of course that's wrong, but saying someone's identity isn't valid, is kind of like saying that person shouldn't exist. Saying someone shouldn't exist, is kind of saying it should be okay for them to die, since they shouldn't exist in the first place. Such outliers just confuse everyone them not existing would be easier for us to understand. Let's just let people be people, what business is it of everyone to define who others and if that identity is valid?
True, don't stop thinking critically and asking questions. But maybe the right question is are lives actually being saved here? Does accepting this shift thinking benefit the world? Is this a cultural change that will bring about good by saving lives, or is it negative because we are changing a definition we are raised by?
It reminds me of the story of the lottery by Shirly Jackson. The community holds so tightly to tradition, because that's the way it's always been, that they are willing to murder each other for it. When should we be willing to change what has always been and when should we hold tight to our past and traditions? If we've always defined gender this way, should we hold tight to that tradition or be open to this cultural change? Should we hold onto our traditions at the expense of other's lives?
Always ask more questions they are good. Asking more and more questions is what lead me to accept trans identities.