I mean I get that being overweight is often bad for your health. But I have a disease called lipedema. I spent the last 5 years on a low carb diet exercising 6-8 hours a week, and the weight wouldn’t come off. Some did around my waist, but legs always looked like the largest thing you ever saw. Lipedema is not associated with diabetes, heart disease, other other obesity weight issues. There’s not much I can do about it unless I pay 50k for surgery, which I don’t have.
This is a common disease that 11% of women have. Yes, I am fat because of my lipedema, and no I can’t diet and exercise it away anymore than I already have. And no, I’m not unhealthy. Don’t women like me deserve to feel beautiful? Don’t women like me deserve to be seen in public wearing what we like and being considered human and acceptable? What about other people with other fat disorders simile to lipedema? They exist. We don’t chose to live like this or have these types of bodies.
For some people it’s easy to lose weight. They just diet and exercise and it’s fine.
I have extensively dieted and exercised, more than anyone I know, for years. No it’s not a temporary thing I tried for a while, this is my permanent life style. I live not eating sugar and minimal carbohydrates and regularly in ketosis, and I live with 3 athletic hobbies (martial arts, bikram yoga, hiking), and I will keep living this way. But I will never be below the obesity line because of my lipedema.
When I met my girlfriend, she started eating like me since we ate dinner together. In 3 months she lost 25 lbs just from my influence of my life style around her. She had to stop because her doctor told her she was losing to much weight. It took me 4 years to lose that much weight on the same life style. We don’t all have an even playing field here, and people need to stop assuming I’m unhealthy because I’m fat. The doctor who diagnosed my lipedema, (he was ripped) told me I lived a stricter more disciplined life style than him, that I exercised more and more intensely than him, but it will never show because of the lipedema. Yet according to my BMI I am obese and have been since I was literally 12, which is when my lipedema started. I work very hard to slow the progression of my lipedema, but when people see me, all they see is a fat woman. Women like me deserve larger clothing sizes, we deserve to be beautiful too, and not just shamed because we are fat. According to my doctors, I have literally done all I can to lose this weight, and there’s nothing more I can do. But I’m still very fat. People like me exist. This happens, and I’m tired of people assuming I’m unhealthy, lazy, or don’t have the stringent lifestyle I live on.