I mean I admit, it’s a little confusing at times. But I’d rather use they/them than zi/zir and other neopronouns. See the problem is there aren’t many good gender-neutral pronouns in this language. That is a problem. For someone who needs gender neutral pronouns, what are they supposed to do? People have made up new ones, like zi/zir and others, but these are still new and awkward for many. They/them is a compromise, at least it’s still English.
I know many people who use they/them, and while it is a little uncomfortable at first, it gets easier with time.
Yes, it’s new and different and we aren’t used to it. Back in my day everyone was either a she/her or a he/him. But also back in my day it was totally okay to attack, harass, bully and even murder trans people for not fitting into a binary. Back in my day, you giggled, laughed, and called it all nonsense if someone said they were neither man nor woman or neither girl nor boy. Back in my day we viewed trans people as not actual people, what would even call a person who isn’t she or a he? A He/she?
Trans people have for centuries have had to bear the burden of not having a pronoun that works for them. It’s not their fault they are trans and it’s not their fault English doesn’t have any good pronouns for them. The dysphoria of being labeled the wrong pronoun is quite painful, and day to day it adds up and can destroy a person.
So, the world being a little more flexible and learning to use they/them is significantly less of a burden then having a person’s identity being made non-existent via pronouns. The real problem is English lacks appropriate pronouns. We’re trying to change it, but it requires just a little flexibility. Yes change can be hard, and uncomfortable, weird, and confusing. But it’s a change for the better. We need gender neutral pronouns. It’s okay, to work on changing how we use language to use.