I live a very healthy lifestyle, I live on a keto-whole food diet and exercise extensively. I have lived like this for about 8 years, only taking breaks when pregnant and breast-feeding. Yet due to lipedema, I am 225 lbs and have minimal weight loss. I can lose fat in my face, upper waist, lower arms, and back, all the rest have been taken over by lipedema and slowly get worse. I am constantly judge to be a glutton when I don’t eat sugar or carbs. I don’t even eat apples because they have a high carb content. Ozempic and other drugs has limited results, because lipedema fat is resistant to diet and exercise. For me, and the other millions of women living with lipedema, diet and exercise is not enough. We need more treatments for lipedema, and we need health insurance to cover existing lipedema treatments (it does not, citing that lipedema is purely a cosmetic issue, even when women like me lost our ability to walk and develop serious medical problems from carrying this much weight).
Yes, diet and exercise are important, it’s the backbone of my existence. But for lipedema, it doesn’t solve the problem.