I left out the adjective white to emphasize the word people, in an attempt to showcase that saying such awful things dehumanizes the speaker's behavior. In other words, what I was trying to say is that for someone to make such remarks is acting in a manner lower than a human being. One would think a person's humanness would prevent them from behaving like the white people mentioned in this article. The fact that white people are the ones committing these offenses I felt was obvious given the context and stating it would distract from the goal of emphasizing the indecency of the racist remarks. White people get away with more, almost like whiteness erases their errors, and when someone is described as white they are given more leeway. By leaving out that adjective I was attempting to show this was unacceptable behavior without the reader subconsciously justifying it because it was done by white people who are often forgiven or assumed to be in the right for no good reason.