2 min readJun 10, 2022


I know there have been a lot of changes around gender, and that can be scary. I grew up with gender as being very black and white male/female xx or xy type of stuff.
But here’s the thing, there are a number of people that I know, people that I love, good people who wouldn’t be around if the rules for gender hadn’t relaxed the way they have.
In 2011, one of my closest friends, who nearly died, transitioned and their life was saved. Leading up to that were 3 suicide attempts and 3 hospitalizations.
I honestly thought they were going to die. But they didn’t, they transitioned and are happier than I’ve ever seen them.
There are other people in my life, actual family members whose lives have improved a lot since transition. As a teacher, I’ve seen students do so much better and came back and visited me.
I’ve also has queer family members who committed suicide, along with speculation it was around something like this and they knew they’d never be accepted as they are.
When I was a teenager, people like this, trans people were erased so much, eventually they either died from suicide or they were assaulted and killed.
So yes, I’m down with pronouns. I’m down believing people when they say they know their gender better than anyone else. I’m down with the rules relaxing a bit and including those who are different.
Not to get religious, but I recall a Bible verse where Jesus warns us about sheep in wolves clothing and false profits. He says “you will know by the fruits.”
People that I know and love, are dying less, and they say it’s because of transition. That is good fruit.

True, you do make a good point here, it’s vital to have honest and good conversations about gender and not live in fear here. I think that’s the take away from this article. Not everything should just be labeled as transphobic and the conversation ended. But given how you explained that you don’t feel the need to transition, kind of shows that you may not understand much of the picture here, which is okay, but it’s important if we’re going to talk about this.
People don’t transition to have the privilege of the other gender, everyone I know transitions because they find the pain of gender dysphoria to horribly painful and can’t live that way. Imagine being in terrible pain on a daily basis for something that others can’t see, and then people tell you’re not allowed to deal with the problem because you born that way and need to stay like that.
I just feel that understanding needs to be present when we talk about these things, not just our feelings in what it means for us non-trans people (cis).
It is good to talk about these things, but don’t forget trans people have real experiences and pain they are dealing with that cis people don’t experience.




Written by S.R.

Cheese Enthusiast. Fat and Feminist. I can’t help but write. Trying to learn as much as I can.

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