I knew deep down I wanted kids. I know many women my age who don’t want kids and are happy with that. Many people are, and it’s fine. But for me, I really did want them. It wasn’t to keep up with society, as most of my friends are childless, or to make my parents happy (they already have 5 grandchildren) or to try to fit in somewhere, I never fit in well and I live in a super diverse community where everyone flys their freak flag.
I just wanted to devote my life to little humans I created. I guess maybe there is an element of feeling like god, I created a person who grew inside of me, not to be a narcissist but I do think it’s cool I could do that.
I have many interests and hobbies I could devote my life too, but I want to devote my life to raising children. I love being a mom. I love the feeling I get when I hold my baby and hug my partner at the same time. I love the way our baby smiles at us. I just love my warm, loving family. I love my little family, it feels like the best thing in the world. It fills my chest with sunshine.
If other people chose not to have kids and are happy, good for them. Anyone can make any decision they want for themselves, and I don’t think they owe anyone an explanation. I really wanted to become a mom, and I’m truly glad I did. Others can make their own choices, and I respect them.
Maybe for some people, like me, it’s biological? Not saying it is for everyone, but for me I just had this desire to devote myself to raising a new human I created, and I’m happy. Maybe there is no reason. I just need to procreate.