I just want to point out that the common left lacks all logic. How does being fat make someone a bad parent? Seriously! It makes not sense.
I also have lipedema. After reading your articles I looked it up and it described what's been happening to my body since puberty. I was officially diagnosed about 6 months ago.
I do everything I can to manage my lipedema, but there's only so much I can do. I am fat. I am not this way because I am "selfish' and I fail to see how having lipedema could possibly make anyone a bad parent. I love that you are calling out the way people make being fat a moral issue. I am not fat because I failed at anything. I am not fat because I am selfish. I am not fat because I am stupid. I am not fat because I eat to much or what I eat. I am not fat due to a lack of exercise (I exercise 8 hours a week on average). I am just as smart, hardworking, achieving, giving as any skin person. I did nothing to make myself fat. The only thing that caused me to be this size, is (gasp) the natural weight gain that happens at puberty, which triggered the biology of my lipedema and then the disease started. How dare I experience puberty? If only I had stopped that, I never would have gained weight and become fat.
Thank you Shannon for calling these people out, thank you for spreading the word about lipedema.