2 min readMar 9, 2022


I have literally wondered this exact same question!

I know a couple of trans people named Sam. One is a trans man, and one is a trans girl. The trans girl literally told her Mom (who is my friend) she is grateful for a name that could go either way. It made her transition at school more seamless and she wasn't outed as badly due to paperwork errors around her dead name .The trans man said he was always Sam, and the name fits him.

At the same time, my girlfriend who is trans said one of the few perks of being trans is getting to pick out your new name. But then again, like many trans people, her dead name carries the trauma of the years of dysphoria she endured, while The Sams I mentioned above don't have this.

I am a teacher, and one of my students who had a gender neutral name, actually changed it to be a more strictly feminime name. She was a very feminime person and didn't like that her name could be used as a boy's name.

Truth is, one can't really win in these arguments.

One idea down the gender nuteral route, is to just give a child a letter, or initials instead of a name. For example you could name them KC, AJ, TR,

LSP, etc. And then when they get big enough, they can pick their own names that start with those initials.

I've considered with naming my own future children, possibly giving them a first name that matches their sex, then a middle name that's gender neutral or the other gender. That way if they take to it, they can start using that name.

Either way, there's no easy answer to this.




Written by S.R.

Cheese Enthusiast. Fat and Feminist. I can’t help but write. Trying to learn as much as I can.

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