I had a family member once who got pregnant as a teenager. I don't think the pregnancy was planned, but I know she wanted the child badly after she learned of the pregnancy. She prepared to be a Mom and got the best prenatal care possible. At 7th months It was found that her child never developed a head. It had a heart beat, but no brain and it would have been unable to survive outside the womb. She was heart-broken. Waiting for her child to gestate brought the risk of her dying during childbirth due to her age. At 7 months everyone called it a still birth, sometimes a miscarriage, but I think she technically had to have a late term abortion. She was devastated and I don't think she'll ever recover from the loss. It was a child to her, and what happened was devastating, and a horrible situation to be in. If I hear any pro-lifers insult her for what she had to go through and what she and her doctors chose, I will just turn red. She did not want any of that.
Some of my family members didn't quite get it. Since she was so young I heard "Well, good, I'm glad she miscarried, she was to young anyway." Some couldn't even conceive why she would need to grieve. She's had more children since then after she got a little older. But every time I see her I realize she's still pretty traumatized from the whole thing and even now years later, she is not okay. It's not her fault what happened to her, and losing a child hurts anyone.
I feel like women like her are often invisible in these pro life/pro choice debates. I'm glad your article calls life to them. These people do exist. Abortion is way more complicated then I think people realize. You can be like my family member above and have to/chose to have one, and grieve the loss of a child. These situations are common. Pro-choice doesn't mean you are for murdering babies. It means something else entirely.