I grew up around a lot of LDS. Many are very happy, good people. But I wish they would go back to being known for some of their odd quirkily things, and have some facts about them being taken into consideration. For example,
The Book of Mormon is very racist. It literally says at times if people work hard and live a good christian life, their skill will become whiter. 2 Nephi 30:6 At one point the edited it, but pretty much every mormon I knew grew up with some amount of racism. The Book talks about the fictional accounts of Jesus coming to the America's, and how the Native Americans were lazy and didn't work, and that made their skin dark. Here's another quote from a Mormon pastor.
At the October 1960 LDS Church Conference, Spencer Kimball utilized 2 Nephi 30:6 when he stated how the Indians “are fast becoming a white and delightsome people.” He said, “The [Indian] children in the home placement program in Utah are often lighter than their brothers and sisters in the hogans on the reservation” (Improvement Era, December 1960, pp. 922-3).
Another factor, the religion is very homophobic. If you recall the horrid prop 8 (Prop hate) that banned gay marriage in California decades ago, it was all funded by mormons. Being LBGTQ, and dating someone the same gender, or being trans, is enough to get you excommunicated from the LDS church. They have a history of conversion therapy.
They have a history of of polygamy, and the fundamentalist church of later-day saints, still practices it. The main big church, (LDS) gave up polygamy, pretty much from pressure from the US government. Now they are strictly against, it, but only because of governmental pressure.
Many mormons have good lives. I'm not here to judge. But I'll be dammed if I let them take over my community. Their church, while often innocent, does harbor a lot of hate particularly around queer people and anyone less white than them.