I do believe misandry exists. And as a feminism I very much believe in men’s rights.
However, everytime I head a man talking about it, it seems more about attacking feminism, than about women hating men.
I do think men’s rights are important, and their experience and insights as men are valuable. I have had instances on medium where some women thought I was a man and made all sorts of sexist assumptions about me. I think men probably deal with that kind of thing all the time, along with frustrations mating, loneliness, etc.
However, everyone who calls out misandrist seems to think I’m some sort of evil dragon because I’m a feminist. I’ve had men claim that
Feminism is about hating men, not rights for women. This is false. I’ve had so many men accuse me of hating men because I believe in equal rights for both, that I started to believe them and even asked my therapist. He calmly told me I wasn’t a misandrist, and in my 15 years of seeing him I had never showed any inclination of hating men.
It’s very strange and telling when we as feminist discuss sexism when a man takes it personally as an attack on him. We’re not saying he is sexists, but our culture and society are. If a man hears us talk about sexism and gets offended, saying we hate men, he is self identifying with sexism. He himself is aligning with the sexism in society and taking an attack on sexism as an attack on him.
As a white person, I can hear arguments about racism without feeling like I am being attacked. If a man feels personally attacked by feminism, it sounds like maybe he is outing himself as sexist.