2 min readJan 23, 2023


I am really glad to hear your response to the transamorous network guy. I find him very confusing and not sure what to make of him. I am a cis woman in a relationship with a trans woman, I started following the transamorous network because, well I love a trans woman. I thought it might lead to community where I can learn how to be a good ally and a good partner to my girlfriend. What I found there, was that it was more aimed at men, even though I know there are many other women like me who date trans people, including trans femmes. I also find it weird he uses the term "trans attracted" and sort of treats it as it's own sexual orientation. Personally, I am attracted to women, trans women to me are a subset of women, hence I don't see "trans attracted" as it's own sexuality. Yet I've even read an article about how "trans attracted" men settle for cis women and some will even have affairs with trans women because cis women can never satisfy their true desires to be with a trans women. Most trans people I know don't like being seen as attracted to them is their own sexual orientation, they like to be seen as the gender they identify with and therefore people attracted to them are attracted to that gender. Transamorous network makes it seem like trans people are their own unique gender and being attracted to them is a totally different attracted that is different than being attracted to cis. I know there are people who don't want to date trans people, and that's fine, but I personally don't see it as it's own sexual orientation when someone is attracted to them. I'm thoroughly confused by the transamorous network.

I sort of came to the conclusion, that it's really about chasers, but good chasers trying to be good lovers. That these 'trans attracted' people are chasers who are into trans women because they are trans, along with other factors. However, they realize the problem with fetishizing trans women and are trying do better by seeing them as people and humanizing them, and having meaningful relationships with trans people instead of just using them as fetish objects. One article I read from them shows the life span of a "trans attracted" man who goes from just wanted token sex to having a real relationship. I have no idea what to think of this. What are your thoughts?

It should be noted that they network doesn't seem to talk about trans men, non-binary folks, or people lesbian relationships with trans women. Maybe it should be relabeled as cis, straight- men who are chasers, but want to cool about it and not just creepy chasers. What do you think?

Can someone who is a chaser, eventually develop a certain amount of respect and boundaries and become a good partner to a trans person? Or is the very fact that they are attracted the trans status of a person preventing them from being a good partner? I find the whole thing very weird.




Written by S.R.

Cheese Enthusiast. Fat and Feminist. I can’t help but write. Trying to learn as much as I can.

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