I'm glad you wrote this. I am also a woman on dating apps, mostly looking for other women. I also consider myself fat, though I am on the smaller end of fat. Can I just say, I think fat women are sexy as F. I mean, whatever crazy weird idea that fat isn't sexy that we were sold last century is really just bizarre propaganda that has no basis in logic. I mean, let's look at the properties of fat women. Fat is soft, fat is warm, fat is curvy. Fat is a warm, lovely, soft, luscious body to cuddle against, to feel held by, to nestle and love. Can we just say F you to whatever non-sensical cultural norm told us to hate fat? It's wrong, not only discriminatory, but illogical and self-depriving. Fat women are lovely to be with. I don't care how much it goes against society, I won't stop loving fat women and fat bodies.
Hey if you live in the SF Bay area, let's go out! I am also attracted to good writers...