I am a fat woman, not quite 260, but around 220 is my highest. I live on a strict whole food keto diet (4 years) and exercise an average of 8 hours per week. I don’t have any of the health issues associated with obesity. I have lipedema, a very common disease that causes large amounts of fat to develop on my body. Lipedema fat is resistant to diet and exercise, I cannot make it go away. I live a super strict, restrictive lifestyle to slow the progression of the disease. Most likely I will eventually become so heavy I won’t be able to walk, and even then my insurance won’t cover treatment because they pretty much blame me for being fat, and assume any treatment is considered “cosmetic.” I am very healthy despite being very fat. I am not alone, 11% off women have this disease, and it’s assumes that even when we diet and exercise perfectly, that we unhealthy and are blamed for being fat. So there are many fat people, such as myself, who are very healthy and will never be seen as that.