I agree so much with this article! The last time my BMI was considered healthy, I was 13 years old with anorexia. Even then my weight there would have been considered fine for me as an adult now, not the 13 year old girl I was. I work out regularly, live on a low-carb diet, and I don’t think I’ll ever be out of the obese category. 4 years ago, when I was in my peak physical shape (covid has slowed me up) I was exercising 15 hours a week, was very lean and muscly, was running, doing martial arts, rock climbing, handstands for 5 minutes, planking for 15, ect. I reached a line where I went from being “obese” to “overweight” by one pound. Since then I’ve gotten older and gained weight due to covid which reduced my ability to exercise (my gyms were closed). I know my metabolism will be probably never recover. Once I gain weight it may come off, but not all of it, it takes longer, slower, and always some stays. It’s bullshit because doctors just assume I’m lazy, or don’t believe I have a health issue not related to my weight, or even assume I’m stupid for some reason. I hate it. BMI is bullshit. Maybe it works for some bodies, but mine doesn’t fit that mode.