I agree. I am so glad you wrote this. I exercise an average of 8-10 hours a week. Both moderate and intense, and mild (I do martial arts, yoga, interval training, and running). I live on a keto diet and have for 4 years now, before that I was sugar free. I'm on one of these rare people who actually does get 7-12 servings of veggies and fruits a day.
I also have lipedema, and because of this, I am fat. My BMI is 30 lbs over the obesity line. I do all of this to slow my lipdema from spreading, but it is still spreading, and I am approaching stage 3, which leads to disfigurement of my body.
I am tired of people assuming I am fat due to some moral failing. I'm tired of of seeing people around me eat cookies, sugar, cake, ice-cream, and then give me diet advice (I don't eat these foods. At most maybe once a year, but even then, I'd rather cheat with some mango or pomegranite, not this processed crap). I'm tired of being told that my BMI makes me obeses and how obesity is killing people. I'm tired of even my friends complaining on how strict my diet is, meanwhile they are 70lbs lighter than me, and don't endure the prejudice I have to because of my size.
It's not my fault I am this size. I am a very disciplined person who lives and sticks to a very strict diet (even during tough times) and exercises a lot.
I wish people knew more about conditions like lipedema, that doctors had treatments for it, that insurances would cover it, that doctors even knew about it, or most importantly, we stop judging people's bodies and assuming they are the result of that person's character. Fat people have commited no sin.