May 27, 2022

Hey it’s a real condition.


Please note the following paragraph on the website.

Although fat caused by Lipedema cannot be lost by just reducing calories and exercising,

FYI I have spend the last 6 years on a low carb, low calorie diet carefully monitored by a specialist doctor and a dietician. I exercise between 10-12 hours a week. Literally app my free time is devoted to exercise. Martial arts, Bikram yoga, hiking, roller skating and calestetoc strength training. Due to my lipedema and hyperthyroidism, this is the thinnest I will ever get. I don’t know what diet you’re on, but I can tell you I’ve probably been on a more aggressive one for much longer. My doctors have explained to me multiple times there’s literally nothing else I can do. Trust me, you don’t know what it’s like living in this body.


Written by S.R.

Cheese Enthusiast. Fat and Feminist. I can’t help but write. Trying to learn as much as I can.

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