Here’s the thing; what’s happening these days is that people are starting to distinguish the difference between gender and sex. Both gender and sex exist, and are very important, but as trans people know, they are very different. Trans is where your gender and biological sex do not align. Trans women for example, understand they are biologically male, they don’t like to think or talk about it, but they know they born with male organs, chromosomes, characteristics, etc. my girlfriend for example, who is trans, still has to get prostate exams and still has to worry about prostrate cancer. Her doctor is very much aware of all the health conditions she has with a male body. The hormones and surgery aren’t there to turn her female, they’re there to ease gender dysphoria, to help her body feel more feminine, they don’t actually totally make her a female.
Many trans men can still have babies, and are very aware of this too. They don’t want to be respected by using she/her pronouns, they have other ways they would prefer people showing them respect, and using their chosen pronouns shows way more respect than using she/her to show your respect their baby gestating capabilities.
Many trans women also suffer pain, just as infertile cis women suffer, from not being able to become pregnant or give birth to children. Many trans women suffer a lot of grief from that. Trans women also suffer from massive dysphoria and grief from not having the anatomy that cis women have. They have their own pain to bear, which I would say is pretty intense. If the burden a person bears entitles them to have certain pronouns, then I would saw the hate, dysphoria, and discrimination against trans people is more than enough of a burden for them to have whatever pronouns and respect they need.