Helen Keller has lots of supports and privilege, way more than other people with similar disabilities at the time. She was born to a very wealthy southern family that got their wealth from owning black slaves, and that was used to pay for her very expensive accommodations. She had a personal attendant who stayed with her 24/7 as a translator. A huge amount of money was spent on her attending college where she got two degrees and her family paid for that college to develop programs in brail. Much of that was funded by slave labor which brought her family wealth. Slavery was abolished when she came along, but that was the basis of her family’s wealth and they lived off the wealth they made of exploiting black people, which bought her education and her personal one-on-one aid. Don’t get me wrong, she’s still made some very impressive accomplishments and is amazing. But if your giving an examples of people with disabilities who made due, and compare it to trans people claiming their taking away from black people, she might not be the right choice here.
However, accepting that there are more than two genders, as many cultures have, doesn’t cost any money, and can save hundreds of thousands of lives.
Trans people are not getting surgeries as the expense of black people, but Helen Keller’s accommodations certainly were. Assuming we could end world hunger for black people everywhere by simply writing a check, totally ignored the many complex reasons and problems with world hunger. The organization CARE literally tried to do that when I was a kid, and while they helped, there were a lot more factors involved than simply writing a check. Believing just writing a check ignores the complex political, social and other factors affecting other countries, and honestly reeks of white saviorism. That white people can just solve all everyone’s problems because they’re better than everyone else.
Don’t get me wrong, I do think we need to devote a lot of money to try to end world hunger, but I don’t think right now there is a debate if a fund is going to feeding black people or trans people getting surgery. Our current administration is looking to cut it all.