Heeey now!
Now I’m not a personal fan of polygamy, I think that’s what you’re really writing about here. A guy with a great girlfriend who wants more and pushes his girlfriend into letting him get another, but gets super controlling when a guy talks to her…that’s a thing, it happens.
Nor am I a fan of unicorn hunters, hetero couples looking for a hot bi girl to use as a sex toy in three-somes. Hell I’m not even really a fan of swingers. I mean if a couple is truly happier that way, good for them, just not my boat.
But please know I am in a perfectly happy poly lesbian relationship. We are not any of those things you mentioned there. Hell I’m not even dating anyone other than my nesting partner, but I experience a great deal of compersion knowing she has other partners who love her and make her feel special. Oddly it makes me feel closer to her, like being reminded how desirable she is. It’s not something I was raised with as normal, but I feel a great deal of it regularly. I’m not one of those awful cheating meanies you’re yelling at. I just prefer my partner have more partners if she feels like it.
True, some entitled men are looking for a double standard that they try to justify with bs biology-if you see one, run, then laugh at him. But there are good people, including men, who are a different type of poly.
This article makes me wonder if you or someone close to you is being pressured by a douche to open your relationship up so he can sleep around. Such dudes usually love to regret their decision when they realize their girlfriend can get a lot of action, more than them.
Yes there are some creepy guys out there, but there’s also some nice poly people like me who just have lots of compersion and like loving people.