Great point!
I am currently pregnant, and it amazes me how severe the lack of knowledge of safety of different medications are during pregnancy.
For example, I take medication for ADHD, but it hasn't been studied if it's healthy for pregnancy, and it won't be as such studies are considered unethical.
For me to go off my ADHD meds, is a major life change that drastically changes my ability to function. Yes, I chose to go off of it, but whose business is it to tell another person they can't have their needed treatments?
I once knew someone with bipolar disorder who had to go off her meds for pregnancy. She had a complete mental breakdown and was committed to a psych hospital. She also tried to kill herself in her psychosis. For a person with a serious mental illness, go off their meds for a pregnancy, is more than a major sacrifice, it's catastrophic. She ended up surviving, but she can't see her baby and her husband ended up divorcing her. She was perfectly regulated while she was on meds, but is not considered unsafe.
People know that pregnancy is inconvenient, and for many women it's just that. But for many of us the medications we need to live are life saving, and most of them are not approved while we are pregnant. That's why it does need to be the choice of each individual given their health and circumstances.