Good points you make here.
I went and read his article. It’s seems he is concerned with people misdiagnosing themselves because people on tick tic are celebrating their own nuerodiversity. He seems to think that most of the symptoms people are talking about are (as he calls it) “sub clinical” and really just minor behavioral issues and a lack of will power. I can see where he is coming from, but as someone who was diagnosed with severe ADHD and ASD at age 40, my whole life my symptoms have been written off as behavioral issues and minor things. Women and girls, when our ADHD reared it’s head, ended up attributing said symptoms to Behavioral issues or willpower. For years I thought maybe I have “just a little ADHD.” But it turns out with a t-score of 78, I have a lot of ADHD and if effects my life constantly. Yet my symptoms are exactly what was mentioned in the tic toks he is criticizing. Further more, when I did show more classic signs like the ones generally used to diagnose boys, instead of asking “does she have ADHD” it was a conversation on how I needed to learn matters, be nice, and politeness. The classic symptoms were just seen struggles as part of my growth into a woman, and therefore normal struggles I needed to overcome or keep to myself away from the public view.
I think for autistic women and girls , as well as ADHD, our symptoms and disorder follow an iceberg model. Maybe just the tip of the iceberg is what shows. It may not seem like a lot to this doctor, but we’ve had to sink so many other aspects of ourselves, sometimes the only thing left is the fact we can’t find our keys, impulsive eating, and impulsive shopping we cant control.
He even says that her complaints around being unable to focus at work and be productive there are will power issues and not potential ADHD. Seriously WTF? She’s saying she struggles with focus and attention at her job, a place that’s clearly a priority for her, is that not a major indication of ADHD? If you’re struggling to focus to the point where it effects your lively hood?