Glad you wrote this!
I squirt. Previous sexual partners have told me it’s actually quite rare. One honestly thought it was a myth before we had sex for the first time.
I am also a relatively rare woman who very much enjoys vaginal stimulation. I can orgasm via my clit, but I find my clit very sensitive and sometimes I don’t like it messed with. It’s just to intense.
I would say for me squirting feels intense. And well, very very wet. Like a very wet orgasm. Sometimes it just sneaks out, like when having multiples. Usually I’m load in a fog of bliss.
So here is something interesting that I can’t find any information on in regards to squirting.
My current primary partner is a post opp trans woman (she has a vagina via surgery). And funny thing, she’s actually squirted several times while we were having sex! It was a small amount, but totally there! I swear this is real, like where the f is it coming from? Her prostate? Does she somewhere have skee glands in her neo vagina? I don’t even know.
If anyone reading this has any idea, please let me know! I’m totes curious!