Funny , I never heard this argument when Obama was running, and he is clearly biracial and not dark skinned at all. People accept him as the first black president, and he’s whiter than Kamala. I guess when you’re a woman the bar is higher.
There are some good points in this article, I do think it’s important to recognize the privilege that lighter skin black people have, and to be aware of that. And it was interesting hearing about how people put light skinned first and have them claim titles for darker skinned people. Maybe we should rejoice when we have the first dark skinned black president. And I think it should be mentioned that just because someone’s skin is a certain color doesn’t mean theyre in the side of that community, that’s a very valid point. But saying Kamala isn’t black? Come on, that’s un called for. Racism against biracial people is still racism. I honestly think she knows her own race more than anyone else. She says she is black, she’s black. I never hear this argument when we have light skinned black men, only women. Obama is biracial and he was accepted as the first black president. Kamala being biracial doesn’t mean she’s not black, if Obama is black than so is she. I can’t help but sexism is a little at play here. Women are held to high standards, black women are held to near impossible standards.