First of all, I grew up loving Lifetime Movies. They were dramatic and silly and really just to get an emotional response out of you. Love them. They're like a dramatic version of a sleezy romance novel.
But in this case, they seriously need to lay the F off the Franke Children.
The Franke Children have been exploited enough for one lifetime. Let's give them a fucking break for once.
The abuse they suffered is pretty layered here.
First of all, none of these children at any of their ages consented to have their images and childhoods broadcasted and posted everywhere. They've already been raped out of their privacy. They deserve to be able to grow up without the whole world watching them. That's the first layer of abuse here
Second of all, their parents literally abused them by depriving them of food, beds, and did other horrific things to them.
Then, a third layer here, their parents did both of these together. They literally broadcasted how they abused their kids for finical gain and notoriety. Like WTF. These kids literally have been exploited for money, where people watched all about how Ruby was abusing them and claiming it was for their own good.
These kids seriously have been abused and exploited by making their private lives public.
And now the Lifetime network wants to do that all over to them again, further selling their story, likeness, to the whole world for financial gain.
It's like Lifetime is literally being Ruby Franke all over again to these kids!
If Lifetime really wants to go there, pull a Law and Order SVU, where they make up their own parallel story with the same plot, but leave out any association to the poor Franke family. Make a crazy, blonde YouTuber Mormon Mom influencer abuser with a shit ton of kids. Let the Franke Children take a break from the limelight and heal a little.