Exactly. I feel like you really explained some things here that I think most people don’t understand.
HRT changes the way that organ works, and full on just penetrating the way cis men do during rape, is not feasible for trans women, or at least no trans women I’ve met. Yes of course trans women can still orgasm and perform, but after HRT what I’ve seen is it takes more focus and concentration, that areas is more sensitive and often making penetration to intense and less desirable, and orgasm becomes more mental than just purely visual and physical stroking.
It’s a transphobic fantasy that trans women are using the women’s bathroom to rape cis women. It stems from a delusion that trans women are actually men who just claim they are women to invade female spaces. They sort of assume if someone has a penis, they are capable of forcing penetration on someone. It’s all BS and my experience is that from trans women that isn’t even physically realistic. I’m sure there is ab exception to this, but it’s pretty rare. I don’t know a single trans woman who is even into penetration, let alone can tackle a woman down, hold her down, and penetrate under such conditions.