Everyday innocent children die of organ failure, this includes kidney failure. Yet other people who are rare matches are not forced to donate their kidneys to these children. You say human rights are at a hierarchy, almost no one needs their extra kidney. Why shouldn't people be forced to donate their kidneys to these children? Their life depends on it. Other's keeping their spare kidney, for no good reason other than bodily autonomy do so at the expensive of innocent children's lives.
Borrowing or steeling? Going through a pregnancy risks the life of the mother. In many instances the mother is healthy and it does minimal damage. In many instances it does a great deal of damage. It may not kill a mother, but it severely damage her body. The majority of births are traumatic experiences, about 70% lead to PTSD in mothers. Permant damage is done to women's body in all cases. I don't think you are aware or understand the extreme changes and damage that can and often does occur with pregnancy and delivery. Yes, it's worth it for creating life. But no person should ever be forced to do that. Donating a kidney is literally easier and has less permanent damage than many pregnancies have on a girls/women. Yet people seem to keep their bodily autonomy there.
I do think being a mother is worth it, and will happily go through the damages again, but no person should be forced to go through that. Again, donating a kidney is easier, and honestly has way fewer long term effects and risk than giving birth, at least mine anyway. I don't think you understand the physical toll pregnancy takes on females, the trauma of giving birth, and the permanent changes pregnancy has on someones body. It's way more than just not looking good in a swim suit.