2 min readDec 19, 2023


Earlier this week I got into a fight with some stranger on medium around this issue.

He claimed that aborting a fetus because of genetic defect was eugenics. I mentioned that Kate wanted to prevent her child from suffering. He asked me if I honestly thought abortion was pain free for the fetus. I told him I had no idea, but if it was, max 3 hours of pain was better than that baby spending up to two years dying a slow painful death of organ failure, which was a 99.7 chance would happen with trisomy 18. He then said I had "how do you know two years or organ failure is more pain than 3 hours of abortion?" At that point, I was just at loss how to reach him. I mean simple math. Would someone rather be in pain for 3 hours, or fucking two years? I then figured he was a total idiot.

This idiot then went on to tell me that having trisomy 18 is no reason for a parent to not "try their best." I have no idea what this guy. meant by "try their best." Did he think somehow Kate Cox would do something, try something, or somehow will her baby to better health and survive? Do women somehow have some sort of super power where they try away a disease in fetus growing inside of them? I'm at a total loss.

He also then proceeded to tell me abortion laws should be passed on principals. I told him that what people do with their bodies should be based on medical care, not his personal principles. He told me that health care was racist, since more black women have abortions than white women, so making decisions about women's bodies based on doctors instead of his principles is racism.

At that point I realized I was going to get no where talking to an idiot who didn't understand that abortion is a healthcare issue, and wanted proof that two years of pain is worse than three hours of pain.

I honestly enjoy having healthy discourse with people. I’ve met many people who actually disagree with me and offer healthy debate and perspective taking of there other side of issues. I do appreciate other’s insights. I’ve learned a lot. I honestly think you can never fully believe in something until you can have a healthy discussion with the other side. And our conversation started out rational. But this guy, just lacked some basic premises, like math (3 hours of pain < 2 years of pain), or women are entitled to make their own healthcare decisions with their doctors. I’m rather triggered by the whole thing. This article makes me feel so much better. It’s scary to think people like him actually exist and believe such bullshit, and some of them are making laws!

Here’s a Hopeful link to part of the conversation if anyone is curious





Written by S.R.

Cheese Enthusiast. Fat and Feminist. I can’t help but write. Trying to learn as much as I can.

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