Dude, that article sounded interesting. I thought it would be about the complex and frankly weird gender dynamics about opening doors, but it actually sounded like an angry rant against feminists. Like seriously, Wow. I am a feminist, I do like like having quality discourse around gender issues, including with people who aren’t feminists, I like having a variety of pint of views and perspectives, and I don’t agree with every feminist ever-we are a very diverse group. But dude that article about opening doors just felt like pure acid about how much you had feminism. Damn!
It doesn’t sound like you’re open to discourse at all. You just sound angry like you want to hurt women. No offense dude, but damn.
By the way, when a man holds a door open for me, I just go ahead and hold the next door open for him in return. Some men are taken aback by it, but I was always taught it’s just a nice respectful thing to do for someone, so I just do it right back. I like spreading a little respect around. It’s seriously not some conspiracy by matriarchs to put men in their places. Take a damn chill break.